Challenging Soil Conditions in 2024

Challenging Soil Conditions in 2024

At the end of February, The Allerton Project organised and hosted a soil event to discuss the state of soil after a challenging winter and identify some of the best strategies to implement after adverse conditions. Attendees of the event heard from three guest...
Regenerative Agriculture Training with Nestlé

Regenerative Agriculture Training with Nestlé

As part of the ongoing partnership, The Allerton Project is providing an introductory training course in regenerative agriculture to Nestlé staff. The ‘Introduction to Regen Ag’ training is offered on a 1 or 2-day basis, with both courses following a similar...
Nestlé’s partnership with The Allerton Project

Nestlé’s partnership with The Allerton Project

The GWCT Allerton Project has entered into a new partnership with Nestlé, with the aim of building farmland resilience through training and knowledge exchange. Nestlé have adopted their own holistic model to regen ag and suggest that rather than a drawback, the...